Colonoscopy: The Gold Standard

Colonoscopy - Preparation and Procedure

Dietary Requirements

The day before your procedure, you’ll need to follow a clear liquid diet. This includes Jello, broth, coffee, tea, and any other liquids that are clear and see-through. Depending on your medical history, you may be instructed to hold certain medications in the days leading up to your appointment as well.

Bowel Preparation

Beginning the evening before your procedure, you’ll start your bowel preparation. There are several options available, including both prescription and over-the-counter products, with choices ranging from liquids to pills. Typically, the preparation involves drinking 1-4 liters of liquid laxatives along with water or other clear liquids. During this process, it’s a good idea to stay near a restroom. Many centers recommend a split-dose prep, where part is taken the evening before and the rest is completed the morning of your procedure. Once you’ve finished the prep, you can usually continue to enjoy clear liquids until about 2 hours before your appointment.

A healthcare professional discussing screening results with a patient in a private office.
Procedure Day

When you arrive for your appointment, you’ll change into a comfortable gown, and a nurse will place a small IV in your arm. Your doctor will meet with you to discuss the procedure and answer any questions you may have. Once ready, you’ll be taken to the procedure room, where you’ll receive light sedation to help you relax. The procedure itself typically lasts 20-40 minutes. Afterward, you’ll be brought to the recovery area to rest and wake up before heading home to enjoy some well-deserved food and relaxation.

Understanding the Risks of Colonoscopy

All procedures carry some level of risk, including those related to anesthesia and the procedure itself. Colonoscopy, however is widely regarded as safe when performed by a high-quality endoscopist. Reported rates of severe complications include:

Interested in Scheduling Your Colonoscopy?