Explore Non-Invasive Screening Options

FIT + mt-sDNA (Cologuard) is emerging as the most commonly ordered non-invasive screening test by physicians, largely due to its improved sensitivity for detecting colorectal cancer and advanced precancerous lesions compared to FIT alone. While the other options outlined below have their place in screening programs, they are utilized less frequently. If you’re interested in learning more about your screening options, talk to your doctor or fill out our contact form, and someone from our team will reach out to assist you.

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

FIT is a simple test that detects hidden blood in the stool, which may be a sign of colon cancer.

  • Low cost: used primarily for population based screening programs.
  • Annual testing required for effectiveness
  • Not as sensitive as FIT + mt-sDNA (Cologuard) for colon cancer
  • Does not accurately detect advanced precancerous polyps
  • If positive, colonoscopy is required to complete the screening process
CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy)

A CT scan of the colon that creates detailed images to detect abnormalities

  • Highly sensitive for colon cancer
  • Bowel prep is required
  • If polyps or abnormalities are identified, a follow-up colonoscopy is necessary to complete screening.  This is generally completed on a different day, requiring a second colonoscopy prep.
  • Low dose radiation exposure
SHIELD Blood Test

SHIELD is a newly approved blood test that detects colorectal cancer by identifying tumor-specific markers in the bloodstream.

  • Less sensitive than FIT + mt-sDNA at detecting colon cancer.
  • Less sensitive than both FIT alone and FIT + mt-sDNA at detecting advanced precancerous lesions
  • Improved specificity (less false positive tests) than FIT + mt-sDNA

Take the Next Step to Prevent Colon Cancer

Screening is the key to preventing colorectal cancer and catching it early. Whether you're curious about your risk level or want to learn more about your screening options, we're here to guide you. Start by choosing the path that works best for you.